Sunday, July 13, 2014

Love and the Ocean

Every evening we’d walk to that secluded beach… holding each other's hands
We’d sit there for hours and talking about feelings, worries, love and beyond…
Admiring the vastness of the ocean and perplexed by its unknown depths…
The ocean, a lot similar to our love – was profound and boundless…

We had a special spot, marked by a heart shaped rock…
We had skillfully etched our names on it… making it symbolic…
Every evening we would watch the sunset and make a thousand promises…
Waves just reaching and feeling our feet- instilling peace and quiescence…

Many-a-couple would etch their names on the sand…
And the ocean would wash it away… sometime during the night…
But our heart shaped rock with our names… she wouldn’t harm it… ever…
As if, she wanted it to be there… as if she loved to see us together…

We both loved the sunset… and I loved watching her in tranquility and peace…
I loved to watch her hair flow, like the waves of the ocean, along with the breeze…
I loved her beautiful eyes looking beyond… and that serene smile on her face…
As it’d fill my heart with more and more love… and I would kiss her on her lips…

But a year later, things changed… we left each other… breaking our hearts…
I stopped walking to the beach… stayed back spending lonely evenings…
It had been months since we had last visited our favorite spot…
I wondered how that place looked like… and if our love-rock was still there…

So that day I decided to break-free from my room of loneliness…
And walked aloof to the beach… everything flashed back… our love and togetherness…
And when I reached there, that rock was missing… I looked for it everywhere…
Like the names of lovers on the sand… the ocean had finally, washed it away…

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